Source code for amari.api

import asyncio
import logging
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import aiohttp

from .exceptions import (
from .objects import Leaderboard, Rewards, User, Users

__all__ = ("AmariClient",)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AmariClient: """ The client used to make requests to the Amari API. Attributes ---------- useAntiRatelimit: bool Whether to use the anti ratelimit or not. IT IS VERY UNRECOMMENDED TO DISABLE THIS FEATURE AS IT CAN LEAD TO RATELIMITS session: aiohttp.ClientSession The client session used to make requests to the Amari API. """ BASE_URL = "" HTTP_response_errors = { 404: NotFound, 403: InvalidToken, 429: RatelimitException, 500: AmariServerError, } def __init__( self, token: str, /, *, useAntirateLimit: bool = True, session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None, ): self.session = session or aiohttp.ClientSession() self._default_headers = {"Authorization": token} self.lock = asyncio.Lock() # Anti Ratelimit section self.use_anti_ratelimit = useAntirateLimit self.requests = [] self.max_requests = 55 self.request_period = 60
[docs] async def close(self): """ Closes the client resources. This must be called once the client is no longer in use. """ await self.session.close()
async def check_ratelimit(self): async with self.lock: while len(self.requests) >= self.max_requests: self.requests = [ request for request in self.requests if time.time() - request < self.request_period ] if len(self.requests) >= self.max_requests: await self.wait_for_ratelimit_end() async def wait_for_ratelimit_end(self): wait_amount = self.request_period - (time.time() - min(self.requests)) logger.warning(f"You are about to be ratelimited! Waiting {round(wait_amount)} seconds.") await asyncio.sleep(wait_amount)
[docs] async def fetch_user(self, guild_id: int, user_id: int) -> User: """ Fetches a user from the Amari API. Parameters ---------- guild_id: int The guild ID to fetch the user from. user_id: int The user's ID. """ data = await self.request(f"guild/{guild_id}/member/{user_id}") return User(guild_id, data)
[docs] async def fetch_users(self, guild_id: int, user_ids: List[int]) -> Users: """ Fetches multiple users from the Amari API. Parameters ---------- guild_id: int The guild ID to fetch the user from. user_ids: List[int] The IDs of the users you would like to fetch. """ converted_user_ids = [str(user_id) for user_id in user_ids] body = {"members": converted_user_ids} data = await self.request( f"guild/{guild_id}/members", method="POST", extra_headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, json=body, ) return Users(guild_id, data)
[docs] async def fetch_leaderboard( self, guild_id: int, /, *, weekly: bool = False, raw: bool = False, page: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Leaderboard: """ Fetches a guild's leaderboard from the Amari API. Parameters ---------- guild_id: int The guild ID to fetch the leaderboard from. weekly: bool Choose either to fetch the weekly leaderboard or the regular leaderboard. raw: bool Whether or not to use the raw endpoint. Raw endpoints do not support pagination but will return the entire leaderboard. page: int The leaderboard page to fetch. limit: int The amount of users to fetch per page. Returns ------- Leaderboard The guild's leaderboard. """ params = {} if raw and page: raise ValueError("raw endpoints do not support pagination") if page is not None: params["page"] = page if limit is not None: params["limit"] = limit lb_type = "weekly" if weekly else "leaderboard" endpoint = ["guild", lb_type, str(guild_id)] if raw: endpoint.insert(1, "raw") data = await self.request("/".join(endpoint), params=params) return Leaderboard(guild_id, data)
[docs] async def fetch_full_leaderboard( self, guild_id: int, /, *, weekly: bool = False ) -> Leaderboard: """ Fetches a guild's full leaderboard from the Amari API. Parameters ---------- guild_id: int The guild ID to fetch the leaderboard from. weekly: bool Choose either to fetch the weekly leaderboard or the regular leaderboard. Returns ------- Leaderboard The guild's leaderboard. """ lb_type = "weekly" if weekly else "leaderboard" data = await self.request(f"guild/raw/{lb_type}/{guild_id}") return Leaderboard(guild_id, data)
[docs] async def fetch_rewards(self, guild_id: int, /, *, page: int = 1, limit: int = 50) -> Rewards: """ Fetches a guild's role rewards from the Amari API. Parameters ---------- guild_id: int The guild ID to fetch the role rewards from. page: int The rewards page to fetch. limit: int The amount of rewards to fetch per page. Returns ------- Rewards The guild's role rewards. """ params = {"page": page, "limit": limit} data = await self.request(f"guild/rewards/{guild_id}", params=params) return Rewards(guild_id, data)
@classmethod async def check_response_for_errors(cls, response: aiohttp.ClientResponse): if response.status > 399 or response.status < 200: error = cls.HTTP_response_errors.get(response.status, HTTPException) try: message = (await response.json())["error"] except Exception: message = await response.text() raise error(response, message) async def request( self, endpoint: str, *, method: str = "GET", params: Dict = {}, json: Dict = {}, extra_headers: Dict = {}, ) -> Dict: headers = dict(self._default_headers, **extra_headers) if self.use_anti_ratelimit: await self.check_ratelimit() async with self.session.request( method=method, url=self.BASE_URL + endpoint, json=json, headers=headers, params=params ) as response: if self.use_anti_ratelimit: self.requests.append(time.time()) await self.check_response_for_errors(response) return await response.json()